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Compare the Costs

Primary care costs are actually less than you may think when you cut out the middleman and extra fees incurred by insurance. The flat rate membership price includes clinical services, care management, and labs/medications/imaging at a discounted cash rate, which are lower priced compared to the traditional medicine rates that are passed on to the patient after negotiations between healthcare organizations and insurance companies.

No Insurance With Insurance With Sepia
VIRTUAL VISIT $50-$80 $25 CO-PAY 0$
CHEST X-RAY $80-$300 ~25% CO-PAY + SURPRISE BILL** $50
NECK MRI $1200-$2550 ~25% CO-PAY + SURPRISE BILL** + 3-5 DAY DELAY $450
BASIC LABS* $130-$400 $0 + SURPRISE BILL** $12

*Complete Blood Count (CBC) with Differential, Comprehensive Metabolic Panel (CMP), Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH), Hemoglobin Al c th” Lipid Panel

**Surprise bill = a cost that neither your doctor nor your insurance can provide you beforehand and which you will receive in the mail -2 months after the service, may include denied services, miscoded services, facility fees, radiology/pathology fees and other miscellaneous charges


Ages 20-40

Ages 40-64

Ages 65+